Organisations drive value creation and capture through the management of their operations. Operations consider the design and implementation of the business & operating model, the organising of people within structures, and the business processes which control workflows across the organisation.

In terms of management, issues of effectiveness and efficiency become significant in terms of how we employ our resources towards value creation. Are all the components of the organisation delivering outputs according to specification? Also, does the value of the outputs afford the capital expended? Clear metrics indicating success or failure are important to drive and sustain the organisation's competitive advantage.

Across all industries and sectors, the factors which inform effective operations remain fluid, and evolve according to shifts in context. Technology is changing how people interact with each other and organisations. Politics inform regulations which define business activity within sets of rules that generally express societal norms. Value systems are changing and this will put pressure on supply chains as products and services adapt.

We assist organisations in developing an integrated understanding of their organisation and operations. With this understanding, the appropriate mechanisms for organisational transformation can be discovered and planned for towards the fulfilment of strategic objectives.



Businesses seek to create and capture value through a business model that defines the customers serves, the routes to market, the products and services offered, the channels utilised. We define this as the business model of the organisation.

Integrating and interfacing the business model with the people, systems, technology, alliances and partnerships, and infrastructure to create an efficient and effective model for delivery is what we would term as the operating model.

Are we effective in creating value? Is it done in a way that is most efficient in resource utilisation? Where our Business Model speaks to ‘what we do’, our Operating Model speaks to ‘how we do it’.


Organisational design brings operating models to life through efficient and effective organisation of people in terms of capacity, allocation and decision making. One of the critical considerations when designing a structure is: does the structure and decision making within the structure enable the organisation to fulfil its purpose in the most conducive manner? Is value being created and captured optimally?


Business Processes are the lubricants that make organisations work by connecting the different elements thereby creating value for stakeholders. Efficient processes - that do what the organisation needs - are the backbone of business and cost efficiency.


In the battle for the soul of an organisation, culture always wins. Understanding the culture required to succeed in any given environment, while instigating changes to make it stick is amongst the most difficult tasks required of management teams. We utilise the latest in behavioural sciences to influence and embed behavioural changes to ensure sustained organisational success.


Systems and relevant technology are key enablers of processes in realising an organisation’s strategy. Are the systems and technology requirements meeting the needs of process and service requirements of the organisation? Are they adding value in achieving the organisation’s strategy?


AIA specialises in large scale turnarounds that leverage all of the elements highlighted in our Organisation & Operations practice. Through an integrated approach, leveraging off sound project management and delivery expertise, we integrate various work streams to drive towards radical improvements in business performance.


Tracking and measuring the real drivers underpins long term organisational success. Similarly ensuring superior performance is suitably rewarded and mediocrity is managed (including managing out) are key traits of truly successful companies. We help to understand the drivers of value and design systems to ensure these are embedded within the organisation.


AIA supports all our service offerings with implementation support – ensuring that we see our work through to completion. We believe that strategy not implemented is often worse than no strategy at all as this creates a false sense of progress. We are committed to walking hand in hand with our clients.

